Pin-O-Lux is a combination of fast acting detergents and pine oil for cleaning and deodorizing all hard
surfaces that are not adversely effected by water. Pin-O-Lux will clean the most stubborn dirt and leave the
area with a clean fresh odor.
Pin-O-Lux is a Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) approved product for use in registered food processing plants. Surfaces in direct food contact must be rinsed with potable water.
For floors and walls: When mopping or scrubbing - use 1 to 5 oz of product per gallon of water (8 to 40 ml/litre)(1:128 to 1:25). For boiling clothing and linen in sick rooms: Use up to 1.5 oz of product per gallon of water (10 ml/litre)(1:100). For Urinals, Garbage cans and Bath tubs: Use 3 oz of product per gallon of water (24 ml/litre)(1:40). Apply freely to all surfaces to be cleaned and flush drainpipes with the solution to deodorize. For Sanitizing: Pin-O-Lux has mild disinfecting properties but for a true germicidal disinfectant cleaner for such uses as sick rooms, footbaths, around locker rooms, gymnasiums, and swimming pools - use one of our government approved germicides. For further information, please review the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and Product Label.
Appearance: Clear liquid
Color: Tan
Odor: Pine
Foam: High
pH: 8.0 - 9.5
Product Information Sheet:
Safety Data Sheet: